In Able you can share project revenue among the project team with three clicks. Pick your project team, split the revenue on a program and align your incentives for the best outcomes. The possibilities are endless when you share the upside together.
In our platform (Able) we split the revenue from a project based on the Partner Fee Split Formula on the Splits page of the project quote (see screenshot below). Project splits are different for projects secured by a partner, or a member of Integral’s sales team and Integral’s existing clients. The project splits also vary depending on what services are used on the project.
For all programs or projects on Able we charge a range of Fees as a percentage of the Total Program Fee :
several Fees of between 10% - 55% for each , depending on the Project Support Services provided on the project, and then the remaining 90% to 45% is split between Partners.
1. Partner Fee Split Formula: Partner Programs 🤝 Able let's you set the Partner Fee Split for each project for core project role types, plus our Platform Fee. Unless otherwise indicated on our Platform or agreed in writing, in the case of Partner owned Programs, the Partner Fee Split Formula is below:
2. Partner Fee Split Formula: Our Existing Clients
Unless otherwise indicated on our Platform or agreed in writing otherwise, in the case of Our Existing Clients, our guidelines for the Partner Fee Split Formula are outlined below:
3. Partner Fee Split formula: Referral of a new client
Opportunity Owner: When a partner refers a new client (without subsequent involvement from Partner in sales or delivery) we generally recommend providing a referral fee of 2.5% of Total Program Fee of the first deal resulting from this referral, to be paid to the partner.
Delivery Partners are the coaches, facilitators, consultants or trainers delivering the core components that make up a project or program, such as a coaching session or workshop. A project or program may have a bundle of different components such as three full-day workshops, plus an Integral Team Effectiveness Measure and a venue hire (see the example below). If you're delivering the whole project you get the full 75% across all components, but if you're collaborating with others we'll help you split the project revenue depending on who's doing what.