This Integral Leadership Profile (ILP) is based on the Integral framework and provides leaders with a picture of how their skills and behaviours are perceived by others. This is a shorter version twenty five (25) question survey based on our longer Integral Leadership & Management Profile (LMP 360°).
The profile has been used by over 40,000 respondents to give feedback to over 8,000 executives, managers and supervisors over the past 15 years. Initially developed and researched by Dr Ron Cacioppe, the profile is a skill and behavioural based feedback process designed to help leaders and managers with their professional and personal development. The Integral Framework is best represented by the following diagram:
The ILP is benchmarked with data from over 8,000 leaders, ideally suited for participants to receive immediate feedback on their leadership contributions. Each participant will receive their own ILP report which will highlight their strengths and areas for improvement. Furthermore, this data can be collated into a group report which will highlight group strengths and group gaps. Eight months after the program has finished, Integral will then conduct a post-ILP feedback survey to measure program impact and behaviour change within the cohort.
For those participants undergoing individual leadership coaching their individual ILP report will be used as a basis to create their personal development plan which they will work on with their coach for the duration of their coaching. We recommend this tool when leaders need a snapshot of their leadership and management skills - best used for middle and lower-level leaders.
Initially developed and researched by Dr Ron Cacioppe, the profile is a skill and behavioural-based feedback process designed to help leaders and managers with their professional and personal development.
An ILP can serve two purposes for our clients. These are: i) as a diagnostic experience for participants to better understand their leadership contributions at present and ii) as a group/collated pre-program and post measure to show behavioural change as a result of one of our program. The base line/pre data can also help clients better understand training needs or the current skill level is for the cohort.
An ILP180 is generally for one or two other raters to complete and a ILP 360 is for up to 15 raters to complete. The ILP 180º is often completed by the participant's line manager. If it made sense, we would open this up to one more participants having one further rater and this would give them a two-person rater team.