Integral Sales Slide Template

Here is a Power Point template for sales presentations or proposals. You can use it for a high-level Quote, a more detailed client Proposal, a sales Presentations or to give a potential client a customised overview of our services. Use this along side or prior to getting sign-off in Able for the final quote.

When using the template use the Master Slides, adjust content to fit your need but don’t change meaning of product slides or adjust the formatting etc, except body text size (a bit).

Download Power Point Here 👇

Integral - Template - Proposal - V1 - 21May23.pptx

Other Templates

Other templates are here: Material: Templates, Creating & Formatting


For questions regarding the sales template contact @Jonah Cacioppe


Cover Page

Default cover page with the Integral logo. Remember to change the footer in the slide masters.


Client logo should be placed to the left of the integral logo with a vertical line in-between, and Partner logo to the right of the Integral logo with a plus sign in-between.

Integral - DLGSC - Proposal Overview - V6 - 26May23.png

Contents page

Optional: section breaks to be blue.


Intro & Summary Slides

Optional: Range of options for the executive summary, introduction or benefits type slides.





Section Breaks

Section breaks should have a section heading and an optional subheadings for the key content.


Program Session Outlines

High-level outline of session content, with post-session exercises.